Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Security Overview

The object  of security is to protect data and it’s availability being compromised by malice or by accident.  In Windows there are two main strands to security – specific access permissions and authentication.  Specific permissions can be applied to users, groups, or resources.  Authentication confirms to the machine or network that a user has an account with permissions to log on.Individual servers and workstations need protection. As do the connections between them – especially if the connection is over the internet. In addition to making organisational precautions through software settings, attention should be given to the physical security of the system. The items illustrated can all be physically removed from a machine or indeed a building and therefore may require physical security.
A last theme of security is that of Auditing. This allows the administrator to view the history of who has attempted to access a resource and whether they succeeded.  Security can be set at the level of the individual machine or across a wider unit such as a domain. In each case the principles of securing the hardware, software and user access apply.

Security Considerations

Passwords are a principal device for restricting access to a machine or network. However, passwords can be guessed or stolen. To guard against theft or discovery, passwords should be changed frequently. Windows can enforce a password changing policy upon its users.  To counter guessing, quite simply, the passwords need to be made as long and as complex as is practicable.
A single letter password chosen from a…z might be guessed after 26 attempts. A two – letter password  has 26 times more possibilities (676). The following table shows this sequence of increasing complexity:
1 – 26 possibilities
2 – 676 possibilities
4 – 456976 possibilities
8 – 208827064576 possibilities
For passwords using a…z
Windows permits passwords of up to 127 characters, but recommends at least 7 for a password.
A single letter password chosen from a to z gives a base of 26 elements, but if the choice of elements includes upper-case letters and other symbols, thus the complexity level is increased significantly, and the password integrity is strengthened.  The length and the composition of a user’s password can be specified in a security policy, either for an individual machine or for a domain.  The lifetime of a password can also be set by this policy and the reuse of old passwords may also be prevented.
In summary, for a password to be strong and difficult to crack, it should:
  • Be at least seven characters long.
  • Be significantly different from your previous passwords.
  • Not contain your own name or user name. (Nor the name of spouse, children, pets etc.)
  • Not be a common word or name.
  • Have at least one symbol character in the second through sixth positions.
  • Contain Letters a-z, A-Z, Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and Symbols` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + – = { } | [ ] \ : ” ; ‘ < > ? , . /
There are many facets of computer operation which need protection from unwarranted interference.
Files need to be read by some users, modified by other users, backed up by yet other users, encrypted by owners and hidden from most! This is apart from needing to create files, delete files and share them across a network. Each of these is possible simultaneously in Windows because of the facility to set individual detailed permissions.
Granting Permissions
There is a permission for viewing and changing permissions on files and folders. When new resources are created, this permission needs to be configured carefully.
Domains And Sites
Permissions for access to larger units  such as  a domain are separate from those granted for local resources. Changes to one aren’t reflected in the other. For example if a user’s account is disabled for a local resource, the domain account may still be active.
Settings for users or sites can be made so that such things as Control Panel and Administrative Tools are not available to a user or range of users. This is used to enhance security, but it can also be used to enforce corporate themes and identities across users’ desktops.
Installing Applications
The facility to install applications should not be distributed lightly. Non-standard, unsupported or defective applications can be a drain upon available technical support time, and interfere with multi-layer processes. This facility can be controlled quite closely with Windows.
Network Access
Rogue servers and users can attach themselves to a network, pretending to be something they’re not and gain access to private data. Long cable runs and internet links are weak points for the monitoring of traffic – hence a need for encryption.

Kerberos v5

Kerberos V5 is the primary security protocol for authentication within a domain. (Windows can use others such as SSL, TLS & NTLM.) The Kerberos V5 protocol verifies both the identity of the user to the network services and the service to the user. This form of verification is known as mutual authentication. Kerberos is named after the legendary 3-headed hound which guarded the gateway to Hades, the ancient Greek version of Hell.
The Kerberos V5 authentication mechanism issues tickets for accessing network services. These tickets contain encrypted data, including a users encrypted password and unique SID  that confirms the user’s identity to the requested service. Except for possibly entering an additional password or smart card credentials, the entire authentication process is invisible to the user.  Kerberos v5 authentication is automatically enabled when you install Windows 2000/XP and Server 2003.  For Kerberos to work, both the client and the machine the resource resides upon must be running Windows 2000 or later.
Tickets that are successfully Authenticated against the records in Active Directory grants the user access to the various resources in the domain for which he has permission without him having to identify himself with a user name and password each time.  All this is invisible to the user and also largely, to the administrator. However, it is useful to be able to understand the authentication procedure Kerberos uses.

NTLM Authentication

Pre-Windows 2000 clients use a protocol called NTLM (NT LAN Manager) to authenticate on the network. For backward compatibility Windows Server 2003 continues to support NTLM authentication.  NTLM uses less secure authentication and is not as preferable as Kerberos however for NT 4.0 and Windows 9x/Me it is the only available authentication protocol.


Local Policies are set through the Local Security Policy MMC. This can be easily accessed from the Administrative Tools folder from the Start Menu.
Expand Account policies…
..then Password Policy…
Local Security PoliciesEach of these options adds to the burden on the user logging in, but increases the security accordingly.
Password history can be set to prevent a user reusing the same set of passwords over and over, as these might be inadvertently disclosed or guessed. Up to 24 passwords can be remembered,
Passwords need to be changed regularly. How frequently they should change is determined by  these two settings. The maximum settings makes a user refresh a password after a set period of time, whilst the minimum age prevents a user changing his password too often.
The maximum value for both settings is 999 days.
A longer password is harder to crack. Therefore a user can be required to use a password of a minimum length.  7 characters is recommended for most networks. Up to 14 characters is the most that can be required by the security policy. A machine will accept a password of 127 characters
Although secure, very long passwords are a nuisance as users tend to forget passwords and assigning a very long password requiring varied characters is making a rod for your own back as you will have to reset them. For less critical data and functions, simpler passwords can be acceptable.
Password complexity rules prevent a user using, for example, a long string of zeroes or their name as a password.
Once enabled, an administrator might be warned that a new password doesn’t meet complexity rules, but it wouldn’t tell him what these are. Strangely, a user required to change a password at next login IS informed what the complexity rules are. ( See “Security Considerations”.)
The complexity rules are fixed in unless the Microsoft Software Development kit is installed. The Default rules are as follows.

Password Complexity Rules

Passwords must be at least 6 characters (regardless of minimum lengths set in security policy).  Passwords must contain characters from three of the following groups: capitals, lowercase letters, numerals, punctuation symbols.  Passwords must not include a login name, or any of a user’s real names.
Jo, JSmith, js1234, do not meet complexity rules
Joh?#n, JS2ith, Js1234, meet complexity rules
Connection to non-Windows machines requires CHAP authentication. For this, passwords are stored in an encrypted form so they can be more safely passed over a network.
To set one of these policies, right-click on it and choose Properties.
Set the number of characters required. 7 is recommended by Microsoft for most purposes. A user is free to use more.
Click OK to complete this.
The policy is now configured.

Account Policies

Malicious (or capricious) persons may occasionally attempt to guess at passwords, especially those for the administrator account. It is possible to deter this practice by locking out further attempts for a period of time.
If the Account Lockout Policy object is expanded, the pane of options is revealed.
Lockout Duration determines how long attempts at login are ignored after a specific number of failed logons. This can be anywhere between 1 and 99999 minutes (over two months) The 0 minute option locks the machine until an administrator unlocks it.
Lockout threshold determines how many wrong attempts at login are allowed before lockout. Up to 999 attempts can be allowed.  A figure of zero permits unlimited guesses at the login name and password.
The Reset Counter has its function in the following sort of scenario: A user mistypes her password a couple of times and, to avoid the inconvenience of being locked out for the next half hour, chooses to wait a shorter period of time before making another  hopefully correct attempt.
There is a logical connection between these three lockout policy settings, and a change in one has an implication for the others. By way of illustration, right-click on the Lockout Threshold item and select Properties.
Select a sensible figure for the number of invalid logon attempts, and see what happens when OK is clicked.
Whichever option is set, this dialogue box appears to suggest reasonable settings for the other two. Click OK to review all the settings which result.
The suggested selection of settings is usually entirely reasonable.

Local Policies

Expand Local Policies.
Expand Security Options.
These are some of the options that can be configured as part of a security policy.  Some, all or none of these options can be configured depending on your requirements.
For example If the security requirements of the local machine dictate that the last user’s name not be displayed in the logon screen then, Right click on this setting and select properties.
Enabling this setting is simply a matter of checking the radio button: …and clicking OK.
Now the security list has this setting listed as Enabled.

User Rights Assignment

User rights assignment determines which users or groups have logon or task privileges on the computer.  Using these is the best and most flexible way to secure a workstation, while still permitting access to a variety of users.  Remember that these can be set locally, but domain-wide settings can override these.
There’s a lot of them, and they each have their uses, depending upon the circumstances of the Company using the network.
For example users can be given Back up and restore rights by selecting this option.
Notice the default groups that have this privilege are the Administrators and Backup Operators group. Additional Users and Groups can easily be added from here by selecting the Add User or Group button.

Auditing and Audit Policies

Auditing allows you to log security related events on the local computer. These events can be anything from a user logging on, to a specific file being accessed.  Security events can be either audited for success or failure or both. You should only audit what is absolutely necessary as auditing can use up valuable disk space.
By default Windows Server 2003 has auditing already enabled. However a Windows XP or 2000 machine does not.  All auditing events are logged to the event viewer. The event viewer is covered in the Monitoring and Optimisation Module.
Selecting the Audit Policy folder reveals the options above.
The most common types of events that are audited apart from the default options are:
  1. Access to objects, such as files and folders
  2. Management of user and group accounts.
Account logon events relate to user accounts who are logging on to this computer over the network from another machine. This option is mainly used on Domain Controllers.
Every time a change is made to a user account an account management event is audited.
Directory Service is used to audit access to Active Directory Objects. Again, this is more useful on a Domain.
Auditing Logon events is a useful option because it allows you to log who is logging on to the local machine.
Object access can be used to audit access to resources on the local machine. As well as enabling it here the object will also need to be configured.
Policy Change audits will log anything relating to security policies being modified on the machine.
User’s who are using their privileges to perform tasks on the machines can be logged by enabling Audit privilege use.
Process tracking can be used to log which processes are running on the machine. This should be not be enabled unless absolutely necessary because of the large amount of entries it can create.
The Audit system events setting determines whether to audit when a user restarts or shuts down the computer or when an event occurs that affects either the system security or the security log.
Right-click on the item to be audited and select Properties.  (Alternatively, click on the Action button in the toolbar.)
Checking either or both of these boxes is all that’s required to enable auditing of logon events. Click OK to close this window.
confirm that auditing for this action has been enabled.
The event viewer contains a security log which shows audit events.
Double-click on an entry to view its contents.
This entry shows that someone attempted to login as an Administrator and failed to type the correct password. From here the date, time and the machine which was used to make the logon attempt can be seen.
Sometimes details need to be printed to a file. Clicking here copies the details to the clipboard.

Auditing Object Access

Auditing Object Access allows you to log when specific resources on the machine are accessed, e.g. A file. Auditing Object Access is a two stage process.  Object Access Auditing firstly needs to be enabled for either success, failure or success and failure and then the object needs to be configured.
Right-click on the object to be audited, e.g. a file on an NTFS partition.
Select the security tab and click Advanced.
Select the Auditing Tab.
Click on Add to add an audit entry.
Choose a user and click OK.
And then specify what you want auditing on the file.
If an attempt is made to delete this file by the user Ross Jackson an entry will be added to the security log.

Refreshing Policies

Security Policies aren’t immediately applied to the machine and often a restart is required. However a command line utility “gpupdate” can be used to refresh the computer’s security policy without a restart.  The command “gpupdate /target:computer” can be used to refresh the computer policy. The “gpupdate /target:user” policy is used when refreshing user group policy settings, which are covered later.


The MMC Console is called from START > RUN.
Add the group policy console from the Add/Remove Snap-ins Wizard.
Options here fall into two broad groups, namely settings for the machine as a whole, and settings for the users of the machine.
Software Settings is really only of use within a domain where programs are published or assigned.
Windows Settings is more relevant until the computer is joined to a domain.
This is a way to specify programs to run before the user begins to interact with Windows.
Double-click on the item to view its properties.
No script files have been selected, but one can be added now:
Browse to find a file in the Start-up folder.
One way to specify that all the scripts execute at the same time as far as possible is to use the Administrative Templates facility
expand System…
Then Scripts.
There is a bewildering array of options, here. Fortunately, there are explanations for each policy setting
Double-click on Run startup scripts asynchronously.
select the appropriate radio button.
The Explain tab gives a detailed explanation of the object’s function
The previous and next policy buttons allow the administrator to scroll through all the available policies until he finds one that fulfils his requirements
The quick scan facility is very useful in view of the enormous number of options available:
The best way to get familiar will all of these settings is to play around with them. Be careful not to lock yourself out of the machine.
There are as many options again for configuring users rights…
As can be seen from the panel on the left.
The foregoing configuration opportunities give an administrator a wide range of options for setting security. However, a basic list of essential security features might include disabling the following :
  • Command Prompt,
  • Control Panel,
  • MMC,
  • Installing programs from floppy, CD or DVD,
  • Shutdown,
  • Previous Login name,
  • Registry editing tools
(You might also consider configuring a Web Home Page.)
Group Policy is applied to the machine and all users of it – including the Administrator.  He can permanently remove his own control.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Creating a Counter Log

To create a new log open the Performance Console and Expand Performance Logs and Alerts. Click on Counter Logs.
Performance Logs and AlertsThis shows that there is a sample log in place. If the log is in red then it indicates that the log is currently not running. To create a new log, right-click on Counter Logs.
Select New Log Settings. Type in a name for the new log. Click on OK.
To add a counter to log, click on Add Counters.
Choose the counter to log and click on Add.
Once all counters have been added, click on Close.
The Processor Time counter has been added. The Sample data every control allows you to specify how often the data is recorded. The value can be lowered if a more accurate log is required. Note. The shorter the sample interval and the more counters added the more load on the system.
Click on the Log Files tab next.
Here the location of the log file is specified.
The Log file type sets a format for displaying in Excel or Word.
Explore the Schedule Tab next.
The maximum log file size can also be set.
The Schedule tab specifies when the log should start. Click on Manually (using the shortcut menu) to start the log manually and select OK.
To start the log, right-click on the Processor Performance log.
Click on Start.
Green indicates that the log has started. The file is located inside the “PerfLogs” folder. The log file can be opened with an application such as Excel and displayed as a graph or chart or in system monitor.
Remember to add the correct counters to system monitor before you import the log.

Creating an Alert

To create a new alert, right-click on Alerts.
Select New Alert Settings.
Type in a name for the new alert.
Click on Add to add a counter.
Select the relevant counter and click Add.
Once all necessary counters have been added, click on Close.
Change the Alert value to over 60%.
Click on the Action tab.
The form of the alert can be set here. (Having a network message sent is perhaps the most fun…)
Type in the IP address or name of the machine to which the message should be sent.
Click on the Schedule Tab.
The schedule tab specifies when the alert should start. Click on Manually to start the alert manually.
Click on OK to create the alert.
To start the alert, right-click on the Processor alert.
Click on Start.
Green indicates that the alert has started, and is ready for the triggering event.
Every time the processor time goes above 60% a network message is sent to The alert is also logged to the event viewer.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Creating a New Hardware Profile

Hardware profiles are created from the System applet in Control Panel.  If there is more than one hardware profile, you are given a choice as to which profile you desire as the machine boots into windows.  Device Manager can be used to enable or disable devices for each profile.  When you disable a device from within a hardware profile, that device will no longer be available and will not be loaded the next time you start your computer.

To create a Hardware Profile use the System Applet in Control Panel (or Right-click on My Computer and Select Properties)

Select the Hardware tab.

Click the Hardware Profiles button.

Select Properties.

From here any of the options can be selected.

To create a new hardware profile, you need to make a copy of the original.

Select Copy to copy the original Profile.

Choose a name and select OK to continue.

The New Profile has now been created. To disable devices in the new profile, restart the machine and select the new Hardware Profile

The Hardware Profile screen is displayed once the computer has been restarted. Select the New Profile.

The computer is now running in the second hardware profile. Device manager can disable any devices that won’t be used in this profile.

Right-Click on the Device to be disabled and select Properties.

Select Device usage.

Select Do not use this device in the current hardware profile (disable).

Select OK to continue.

The Modem has now been disabled. When the user logs on with this profile, there will be no Modem operational.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Free Game Media fire Download

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Title: Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 CRACKED-3DM
Genre: Sports
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Release Date: 19-09-2013
Size: 5.103 GB / Split 6 part 900 MB Highly Compressed
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 marks a new beginning for Konami’s blockbuster soccer series, with an all-new engine allowing for every aspect of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 to be totally reworked to produce a game much closer to the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which mirrors the modern approach to football. Producers looked at how the matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team’s success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats. In addition to noticeably improved graphics and seamless animation, the thrust of the new engine’s power has been used to redefine the way football is played as a video game. Gone are the limitations imposed by dated animation systems and AI elements, and instead PES 2014 boasts a central core that perfectly mimics the skill and awareness that elevates the world’s greatest players above their peers.

New Features:
TrueBall Tech: PES 2014 centers everything thing on the ball: how it moves and how players use it. First touch and sublime control is what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. TrueBall Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed barycentric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player’s body will automatically shape to receive it.

Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of a match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulate the bodily contact between multiple players within tailored animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of pre-set animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. reacts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 now has more styles of tackle, as opposed to basic foot in or sliding types.

Heart: Each player in the game now employs mental attributes in addition to playing styles and skills, and can be adversely affected when having a poor game. However, if an individual is not playing well, his team mates can rally round and will work to support him. The cauldron effect of a vibrant stadium will showcase the mood of the fans, with all-new sound effects combining with stunning AI systems to create a palpable match day atmosphere.

PES ID: Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 set a new bar for realism, with its inclusion of the Player ID system. For the first time, players could instantly recognize a player by their faithfully recreated running and play styles. The way a player ran, moved and spread the ball about would be identical to that of their real-life counterpart, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 featured 50 players that utilised the system.

Team Play: Via the new game’s innovative Combination Play users can set up a variety of different tactics in key areas of the pitch using three or more players. These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defence or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlapping play to make themselves available. These moves can be pre-set to key areas of the field, allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses beforehand.
Professional Consultation: The PES Productions team has undergone several years of consultation with both Pro Evolution Soccer and football fans related to key elements of the series are able to implement a wide range of additional improvements.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 System requirements

• Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7
• Graphic Card: GeForce 510, Radeon HD 5450 512MB
• CPU: Pentium D 820 2.8GHz, Athlon LE• 1640
• RAM: 1 GB
• HDD: 10 GB
• DirectX: 9.0c

• Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
• Graphic Card: GeForce GT 440, Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
• CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
• RAM: 4 GB
• HDD: 10 GB
• DirectX: 9.0c
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F1 2013 Repack Mediafire IDWS

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F1 2013 Repack Download Mediafire PC Game - Make history in FORMULA ONE™! F1™ 2013 features all the cars, stars and circuits from the 2013 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™ plus, for the first time, classic content. F1 Classics is an expansive new game mode, introduced by legendary broadcaster Murray Walker, in which you’ll race legendary drivers in famous cars on iconic circuits from the 1980s.

F1 2013 also features all of the new drivers, team moves, tyre changes and remodelled handling to recreate the thrill of racing 2013’s stunning roster of FORMULA ONE cars. New enhancements, improvements plus new, expanded and returning game modes combine to deliver the most complete simulation of a FORMULA ONE season in videogame history.

System requirements
• OS: Windows Vista/7
• Processor: Intel Core i7 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.6 GHz
• Memory: 4 Gb
• Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
• Video Memory: 1 Gb
• Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 5970
• Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
• DirectX: 11
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• DVD Rom Drive
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f1 2013 pc game screenshot 2
f1 2013 pc game screenshot 3


Install Instruction
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to your game install directory.
5. Play the game.

Windows 8.1 RTM Mediafire Download

Windows 8.1 RTM
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Windows 8.1 RTM is OS For windows 8. Microsoft has revealed full details about the comprehensive update to Windows 8, now known as Windows 8.1 and formerly known as Windows Blue. We've also had plenty of time with the new update and are running it every day, so check out our brand new Hands on: Windows 8.1. The Windows 8.1 will be available to existing Windows 8 users for free on Windows Update. It will be available to buy in retail from October 18 and has already been released to manufacturers (this stage is known as RTM).

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Friday, 11 October 2013

Cent OS


CentOS Overview

CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.  CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendor's redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. (CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.)  CentOS is free.

CentOS is developed by a small but growing team of core developers.  In turn the core developers are supported by an active user community including system administrators, network administrators, enterprise users, managers, core Linux contributors and Linux enthusiasts from around the world.

CentOS has numerous advantages over some of the other clone projects including:  an active and growing user community, quickly rebuilt, tested, and QA'ed errata packages, an extensive mirror network, developers who are contactable and responsive, multiple free support avenues including IRC Chat, Mailing Lists, Forums, a dynamic FAQ.

This site makes use of Javascript.  If your browser doesn't work with Javascript we recommend you use FireFox.

CentOS 6 Releases

March 12th 2013

The CentOS team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 6.4 for i386 and x86_64 architectures.

CentOS 6.4 is based on the upstream release EL 6.4 and includes
packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with.

There are some very important changes to this release compared with the previous versions of CentOS and we highly recommend reading this announcement along with the Release Notes. Especially take a look at the "Known Issues" section.

There is also a minimal install CD that will get you a very small base install that you can add to.

And now: Have fun.

Release Notes: CentOS
Download: i386 | x86_64

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Linux Mint 10 (Julia) Final Release

Download Linux Mint 10 (Julia) Final Release

Linux Mint - Linux Mint 10 (Julia), an operating system based on Ubuntu 10:10 (Maverick Meerkat) has just been released, comes with features the Linux 2.6.35 kernel, desktop environment 2:32 GNOME and X. Org 7.5. What's new in Linux Mint 10 (Julia) is a very useful start-up screen, which allows you to install various codecs audio / video or upgrade your system to the DVD edition.

Linux Mint 10 brings a new look and feel for its users. The development team has been eliminating old green Shiki theme / dark to light traditional themes with dark backgrounds. New theme on Linux Mint 10 Mint-called X and has a brush metal look with the iconic themes that are nice and simple.

New to the Linux Mint 10:
  • Based on Ubuntu 10:10 (Maverick Meerkat);
  • Linux kernel 2.6.35;
  • GNOME 2.32.0;
  • X. Org 7.5;
  • New start-up screen;
  • The increase in the Menu Mint;
  • Improvement in the Software Manager;
  • The increase in Update Manager;
  • The increase in Upload Manager;
  • New artwork;
  • Various improvements of the system.
Download Linux Mint 10 (Julia) Final Release

Linux Mint 10 will work fine on the hardware with a recommended minimum requirements:
  • An x86 CPU (Please note that the edition of Linux Mint 64-bit processors require 64-bit);
  • 512 MB of system memory (RAM);
  • 4 GB hard disk space for installation;
  • A graphics card with the capability of displaying a resolution of 800x600 px;
  • An optical drive or a USB port.
Linux Mint 10 (Julia) is available for 32-bit architecture and 64-bit. It is distributed as GNOME Live CD and DVD, OEM edition, and a special CD for the USA & Japan. Standard distribution of Linux Mint 10 is a version of the Live DVD, while the distribution Live CD is not included with the Java package, VLC, F-Spot, OpenOffice.org-base, Samba, additional wallpapers and ttf-dejavu fonts. OEM version is intended for manufacturing which will include Linux Mint 10 as a pre-installation on their products without setting user account.

Before the installation of Linux Mint 10, we recommend you read the release notes first.

Download Linux Mint 10 Final Release:


DriverPack Solution Professional 13.0 R306 Final (2013)

Software name: DriverPack Solution Professional 13.0 R306 Final
Program Version: 13.0 R306
Latest version: 13.0 R306
Official site: DriverPack Solution
Language: Multilanguage
Treatment: not required

System Requirements:
OS: Windows ® XP / Vista / 7/8
Bit: 32/64-bit

DriverPack Solution Professional 13.0 R306 - is the latest version of the popular program to automatically install the drivers. This version contains a number of new features and optimized for all platforms (x86-x64), and also supports the new operating system Windows 8. Thanks to a fresh database program installs a driver on any computer! The program greatly simplifies the process of reinstalling Windows. Find and install drivers made in the program in a few clicks. All problems of finding and installing drivers, are performed automatically.

It is a versatile manager to install drivers for all versions of Windows. Unlike the built-in Windows 7 and Windows 8 features a driver update this program can be used even without the Internet and find / install drivers for devices not only popular Vender (as is the case with Windows Update)

The program is suitable for all models of computers. Including includes drivers for notebook
Asus, Acer, Sony, Samsung, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Fujitsu-Siemens, DELL, eMachines, MSI ...

Help download free drivers for
Motherboard, sound card (audio), Video Card, Network Card, Wi-Fi, chipset, controller, Bluetooth (bluetooth), Modem, Web-camera, card reader, CPU, input devices, monitor, printer, scanner, USB, Other ...

Benefits DriverPack Solution:
Automatic installation of drivers
Install the drivers on virtually any computer for only about 5 minutes
Saving of time
Do not waste time searching for drivers, install the drivers in a few clicks
Any driver for any computer
All drivers on a single DVD-ROM!
Simplify downloading new drivers from the Internet
The ability to update drivers
Update existing driver to more recent versions
Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 (x86-x64)
Supports all modern operating systems!
As a 32-bit and 64-bit versions!
Ease of use
Simple and intuitive interface
Possibility for individual design
Is open source

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FIFA 14 by EA SPORTS™  apk

FIFA 14 by EA SPORTS™ v1.2.8 [Money Mod] Apk

  • English premier league
  • And Trade
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FIFA 14 by EA SPORTS™ v1.2.8 [Money Mod] Apk | 1.3 GB | Mediafire
Requires Android:2.3.3 and Up
REAL PLAYERS. REAL TEAMS. REAL LEAGUES. Welcome to the most authentic football game for Android smartphones and tablets!!
Game review:
Feel the excitement of every pass, shot, and tackle with new touch controls. Plus, live every moment of real-world football with EA SPORTS™ Football Club Match Day. Get in there with FIFA 14!
** This game has superior graphics and is packed with tons of real football leagues, teams, and players. Please make sure you have at least 1.35GB of free space on your device. **
Featuring 33 leagues, over 600 licensed teams, and more than 16,000 players. From the English Premier League and La Liga to the German Bundesliga and beyond. March toward glory in 34 authentic stadiums. Plus, for the first time on mobile, listen to commentaries in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish!
EA SPORTS™ Football Club Match Day lets you follow the heartbeat of your favorite club. Play along with real-world fixtures from top leagues. Every injury, suspension, and change in team form is reflected in-game – keeping you connected wherever you are!
Earn and trade, or buy and sell FIFA players to create your own fantasy team. Choose your play style, formation, kits, and more. Compete in tournaments to earn coins, then spend them on new players and items to improve your team. Play for free or purchase packs. The choices are endless!
Hold and drag players to move them around the field, tap to pass, swipe to shoot – and more! FIFA 14’s new Touch Flow Controls put the excitement of playing the world’s most popular sport at your fingertips – literally.
Featuring a killer soundtrack with the hottest artists, from Empire of the Sun to Vampire Weekend. It’s an epic playlist only FIFA can bring you!
Upgrade your game to unlock three extra modes: Manager, Tournament, and Kick Off!
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The game you love. The game you live for. WE ARE FIFA 14!
FIFA 14 is playable in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Dutch, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese. Hit the pitch around the world!
FIFA 14 by EA SPORTS™ - screenshot thumbnailFIFA 14 by EA SPORTS™ - screenshot thumbnailFIFA 14 by EA SPORTS™ - screenshot thumbnail

  • Install Apk
  • Copy ‘com.ea.game.fifa14_row’ Folder to sdcard/Android/obb
  • Launch the Game and Enjoy :-) 
Download Link:

Update Links:
                                                Part 1
                                                Part 2
                                                Part 3
                                                Part 4
                                                 Part 5